File structure Layout mockups pages Figma Template
File structure Layout mockups pages Figma Template.
? Use a good Structure in layout mockups pages
Hi Figmates?
In this file, there is a good practice to obtain a clear, precise workspace allowing to inform the stakeholders of your projects. It includes good practices for artboard spacing, the progress of your models, the categories of screens, the title as well as the tree structure of your pages, the list of assets used, etc.
By using this guidelines, you will gain clarity and readability for your teams.
? How to use:
Once the file is duplicated, take inspiration from the layout of the artboards to reproduce the grid in your project.
? Share and follow :
I hope you will enjoy it!
Stay tuned for various upcoming developments and don't hesitate to leave me a little feedback and a little like if you like the project!
Thanks !
? Changelog :
Version 1.0 : (08/07/2022)
- ? Publication of the file on Figma community !