Free Figma Bootstrap 4 UI Kit
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Free Figma Bootstrap 4 UI Kit. My first personal project to the community, I want to share something very special and very needed; a complete, reliable, high fidelity, and scalable Bootstrap UI Kit Library. All Bootstrap libraries out there aren't well designed, completed, and free like I pretend this project will be. All finished components have the best Auto Layout and Constraints practices, as you imagine, this project it's BIG; I work on this in my free time.
Enjoy and feel free to share your comments and your invaluable feedback on my Twitter: @josealvarezn.
Update 1.0.3
New: Forms
- Inputs
- Selects
- Textarea
- Checkboxes & Radio buttons
- Switches
- Range Inputs
- File Browser
Next version:
- Input groups
- List group
- Media object
- Modal
Library elements
Layout / Grids:
- Desktop HD (Extra large ≥1200px)
- Desktop (Large ≥992px)
- Tablet (Medium ≥768px)
- Tablet (Small ≥576px)
- Mobile (Extra small <576px)
- Container (Fluid)
- Typography / All the styles
- Images / Thumbnail
- Color styles
- Borders styles
- Shadows styles
- Forms
- Dropdowns
- Button group
- Cards
- Breadcrumb
- Buttons
- Badge
- Alerts
- Used: SF Pro Display / Apple System
- Alternative: Segoe UI, Roboto, Helvetica Neue, Arial
Workflow plugins
- Design System Organizer by Arthur
- Figma Format by Kazushi Kawamura
- Find and Replace by Jackie Chui
- Organize Layers by Yuan Qing Lim
- Sorter by Tom Lowry