Eve Free Figma UI Kit
Designers should use their time efficiently by leveraging common components and layouts at the beginning of each project. Eve is a UI Kit/Design system that allows designers to quickly create functional, visually appealing layouts by using a range of customizable components. Eve was designed with a focus on accessibility and to be flexible to accommodate various products. The kit includes hundreds of component variants that can be used to build designs quickly using Figma's powerful auto-layout, variant, and property features. Start faster, build anything.
✅ Typographic scale (2 fonts)
✅ Icons
✅ Color palette (dark/light – over 200+ colors)
✅ Grid, spacing scale (8pt scale)
✅ Shadows (dark/light), layer blurs
✅ Alers/Notifications
✅ Avatar (150+ Image styles)
✅ Breadcrumbs
✅ Buttons
✅ Calendar
✅ Charts
✅ Divider
✅ Flags
✅ Inputs
✅ Media player
✅ Menu item
✅ Messaging
✅ Pagination
✅ Payments
✅ Pricing table
✅ Progress Bars
✅ Segmented controls
✅ Selectors (checkbox, radio, toggle)
✅ Slider
✅ Stepper
✅ Tabs
✅ Tags
✅ Tooltips
✅ Browser bars
✅ Table
✅ Forms (desktop/mobile)
✅ Cards
✅ Navigation (header desktop/mobile, side nav, footer, and more)