Design system structure for teams, projects and files - FigJam

Design system structure for teams, projects and files - FigJam

2022-08-03 15:11:35

Design system structure for teams, projects and files - FigJam.

The Figma advocate team's recommendations for structuring your design system!

Whether you're on the professional, organisation, or enterprise plan, you can get started with Figma libraries and build out your system.

Within this file, there is advice on:

  • The structural differences between each Figma paid plan
  • The 3 types of design system file
  • Example structure setups for each paid plan
  • 4 examples of file structure
  • Non-global component recommendations

Updated August 2022


Previous notes

Here's our recommended structure for how to set up your design system:

  1. A main design system team, with projects and files for your foundations (or primitives) right up through your atomic components, assets, and brand elements
  2. Design system project within individual teams for when you need team-specific components or styles
  3. Components pages within your files for when you need a component localised to a specific piece of work of feature you're working on
Author: Luis Ouriach
Free license: Licensed under CC BY 4.0
File type: Figma
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